Monday, February 06, 2006

EPRDF OFFICIALS : Do you need direct diplomatic language budget aid ???

I am not going to give you a lectures.I think my English language ability is 50 percent better than Mr.Berhane Haile,the current information minister of Ethiopia. Have you listen him?...He has a problem to lie or couldn't speaks well. Please listen our honorable minister of information an interview with VOA's correspondent James Butty (February 2,2006).

His Excellency,Kassahun Ayele also has similar English language or information problem. His expression performance about the Ethio-Eritrea border dispute on cable news network or other international media with Eritrean ambassador Mr. Girma Asmerom was so weaker as we Ethiopians expected. We should not forget about Prime Minister Abebe,too.
Watch an interview with Cable News Network(CNN) diplomatic license program (November 30,2006)

In reality ,the ability of international language is necessary for the success of diplomatic mission. Diplomatic reality of EPRDF group members have been walking in opposite direction and gives priority to ethnical ration than success.

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