Friday, November 17, 2006

Kifle Mulat & Dr. Taye Woldesemayat to speak in Washington, D.C.
EMF , November 15 , 2006

Kifle Mulat and Dr.Taye Woldesemayat to speak in Washington , D.C. on the coming Sunday , November 19 , 2006. Ethiopians are invited to attend a town hall meeting to receive and discuss eye witness report on the deteriorating human rights situation in Ethiopia .

The event is sponcered and organized by the famous Addis Dimts,which is based in Washington , D.C. Artist Abebe Belew , manager of Addis Dimts told EMF , it is great opportunity to meet and discuss with Ao Kifle Mulat and Dr.Taye Woldesemayat on the current situationof our country .

Dr.Taye Woldesemayat , president of Ethiopian Teachers Association (ETA) and Kifle Mulat , veteran journalist and president of Ethiopian Free Press Journalists Association (EFJA) will discuss the current human rights situation and possible courses of action to achieve a better future.

The meeting will be at Unification Church , 16th street and columbia road , NW , Washington , D.C.


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