Thursday, February 09, 2006

Arkebe Equbay in Washington,DC

Mr.Arkebe Equbay,unelected mayor of Addis Ababa (the Capital),high level member of the slaughters group of TPLF,is now in Washington,DC for mayors of Cities around the World meeting.Mr.Arkebe,who appointed by Prime Minister Meles Zenawi as a Minister to serve him for the next 5 years had made un successful run for the City Council as member of EPRDF, the ruling party.

Dr.Berhanu Nega,elected mayor of the Capital City has been in jail since November 7,2006.

After may 2005 the House of Representative and Regional Council National Election ,the Prime minister Meles Zenawi Government charged 131 people, including Dr. Berhanu,with treason and plan to commit genocide.However;the International Community and Donor Countries have been pressuring the EPRDF Government to release all political prisoners with out preconditions.

The meeting will be finished on February 10,2006.

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